~ PopHuman ~
Welcome to PopHuman, the Human population genomics browser!
PopHuman is a population genomics-oriented genome browser, based on JBrowse, that contains a complete inventory of nucleotide diversity metrics, linkage disequilibrium, recombination rates and neutrality tests in sliding windows along the human genome estimated from the 1000 Genomes Project data using the PopGenome software. Visit the Help section for detailed information about the source data, a description of the available tracks, and a step-by-step tutorial useful for novices in population genetics or the PopHuman database, as well as contact information.
Please cite this reference for results obtained with PopHuman: Sònia Casillas, Roger Mulet, Pablo Villegas-Mirón, Sergi Hervas, Esteve Sanz, Daniel Velasco, Jaume Bertranpetit, Hafid Laayouni, and Antonio Barbadilla (2018) PopHuman: the human population genomics browser. Nucleic Acids Research 46(D1):D1003-D1010. https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkx943.
Contact us at p.pophuman@uab.cat